How Much Time

I’m outside right now watching the clouds being pushed by the winds. That started me thinking about mortality (which I think about fairly regularly) and the impermanence of things and about how little time we have. That started me thinking about the importance of living life and not taking things for granted (except when taking them for granted actually makes life better) . And then I started thinking about how much time I spend on different things, whether it’s playing music, recording, spending time with friends, girls, playing handball, reading, drinking, watching clouds, etc. etc.

And then my train of thoughts landed on considering how to prioritise all of those things. I wasn’t actually prioritising them, but trying to figure out how to prioritise them, what values to use, etc etc.

And then I decided not to answer that question yet and just enjoy the possibilities of a good unanswered question. Now I’m going back to watching the clouds for a bit.

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