Truss rods adjusted. Bridge adjusted. Intonation set (pretty…

Truss rods adjusted. Bridge adjusted. Intonation set (pretty much). 1/4in cable jack contacts cleaned. Pots cleaned. I’ve learned more about Rickenbacker guitars over the past few days than I thought I’d ever learn. I read the online manual, schematics, online forums, message boards, etc, and have spent the past couple of days practicing my newfound knowledge. I’ve never been much of a gear-head when it comes to music instruments, I guess I just prefer to pick them up and play them rather than futz about with making them work. But sometimes they don’t work (kind of like my Rickenbacker) and they need a little massaging to get back up and going again. So that’s what I’m doing, guitar massaging.

I’ve had this guitar for years and barely ever play it, so that’s why it’s a little out of shape and needs some love. I just wish she would tell me her name. I think she might tell it to me soon, we seem to be building some trust. 

I’ll be back to the guitar spa tomorrow for her next appointment, but tonight we have rehearsal and she needs to get back to work.



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