Vinyl Schlager

I helped my sister-in-law choose and set up a vinyl record turntable this afternoon, and this was the first thing we played to test it (it might never be played again):


The turntable worked perfectly and we immediately switched from these German Schlager tunes to put on some Bessie Smith. It sounded so good, my ears were in heaven.


Mix-Tapes and War

This morning I was going through my email and a note came in from a new German fan. We exchanged a couple of notes and I told her I was in Germany extensively for a bit a few years ago. She then replied in German and said that her boyfriend put my songs on a mix-CD for her and she loves them. Either that or she said Germany is considering invading Poland.  I hope my translation skills are still in shape, or I hope my response of “Your boyfriend sounds very kind and thoughtful, tell him I said thank you!” fits either occasion.

alles Liebe,