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To my friends all around the world, I wish you a very happy Solstice!
I have the next couple of weeks off from shows (except for my Happy Hour shows at Bernard’s) and I won’t be online as much to promote, but I’ll have some time for songwriting and we’ll very likely have some new tunes in 2017.
I hope your holidays are fun and fulfilling!
All the best,
This year has been pretty rad so far, I’ve had over 100 performances and made many new fun fans that have been super lovely to have at the shows. I have today off, but I’ll probably work on the lyrics to a commissioned song that I’ve been composing and should have wrapped up pretty soon.
I performed a fun Solstice show last night on the Tolt River in Carnation WA, we’ll be back here for the Brodienation Music Festival in July:
I hope the rest of the year keeps getting better, come out to a show soon! https://www.sjatr.com/shows
I have a fairly light schedule this week, but pick a show and let’s hang out!:
Wed June 17, 5-7PM, Happiest Hour in Seattle, at Bernard’s, 315 Seneca. Free. $2 well drinks, $3.50 draughts.
Wed June 17, 8-11PM, Singer Songwriter feature and open stage at The Mix Lounge in Fremont, Seattle. Free.
Fri June 19, 8PM, at Mobster Mike’s in Bremerton WA. Also with Traverdan performing. $5. Superb food and drinks.
Sat June 20, 3-10PM, at Club Tolt on the Tolt River in Carnation WA for Summer Solstice. $5. Many fun performers all day long!
Tonight is the longest night of the year (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere) and then tomorrow the daylight hours will start stretching into the Summer, but for now let’s celebrate getting halfway through the cold and dark months!
Also, I’m commemorating my last proper show of the year with a delicious chocolate milkshake:
We had a very fun show last night at the Rendezvous, and now all I have left for the year are a couple of private party shows and a couple of happy hour shows.
Enjoy your Sunday and Solstice!
PS. Southern Hemisphere friends, I haven’t completely forgotten about you, I hope your Summer Solstice is super fun!
Today is the best day of the year for photon collecting in the Northern Hemisphere.  I have extra if you need some.